Slighty Late is this post, but it must be done. One week ago to this date, is a day i'll never forget. Two weeks prior to the date, i submitted my absentee ballot to my home state of Pennsylvania. And i think we all know who i voted for (see photo above.) Words couldn't and still can't express that amount of joy, pride and excitement I feel after this game breaking decision that America made. I watched that latter part of the election in the Blackburn Center on Howard's campus with about 2,500 students. It was a good time...music played during commercials and mostly silence during the broadcast. As the crowd counted down along with the clock brought to you by CNN. A photo of President-elect Obama appeared and a loud roar erupted, indeed I assisted with this eruption. As a result of this with more yelling and screaming I had no voice on wednesday. We hugged, some cried, some prayed, some stood in disbelief, many jumped, more danced. Camera flashes were everywhere and so were video cameras.
I did an interview for some station......so excited, i really don't remember all my words but i do remember that I said "Voting is the only thing that all americans (except felons...getting fixed) have in common. This is history, we are all apart of history and i'm glad that I was able to witness this." If u see me doing an interview send me a link please. Thanks.
Every blog will feature President Obama and family.
The day before the election was also important to me. My pittsburgh steelers played on monday night against the washington redskins. An important game for two reasons: I'm a steelers fan going to school in DC....enough said and also according to tradition the success of the redskins' last home game before the election has influenced the outcome of the election. Basically Obama needed the Steelers to win and they won. Big. Only allowing 6 points. Two field goals both in the First quarter. Holding Clinton Portis to way under 100 yards. The steelers played good football.
I'm proud of both President elect Barack Obama and The Pittsburgh Steelers.
This blog title was perfect: Victory!
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