My first year at Howard University, someone told me that the people you met this year would be your friends forever. (This has held true and false) But I met one person that I would never forget as long as I lived....
Jeremy Ross...Called J by most.
Living on the Penthouse (5th Floor) of Drew Hall, we all became brothers with each other. J was a wild dude to say the least. But he and I had a appreciate, admiration, a respect for each other. He and I became even tighter when we both found out our favorite rapper was Nas. No One...No One was a bigger Nas fan than me...until I met J. He put me on new Nas songs...songs that I hadn't heard. I had to respect it. We both had the same taste in rap, i think thats what bonded us. Me and J had a rivalry on NBA Live on Playstation 2.(I dunno what the series was..but i think he had me by a few games..) I stayed away from J in the Madden cuz he was nice..yall know he was nice! lol.
Most said he was strange and maybe he was...But he was My Nigga....regardless. No one went harder! And we used to get it in on the 5th that year. Get It in!! I'll never forget our trip to Georgetown...
Everyone who went remembers the trip to Georgetown! How could you not?!
Remember J said "I feel like i'm in super mario right now" and started jumping off the walls in front of drew and made the super mario sounds?! lmao and when he picked up the cabbage from in front of Drew and threw it?!
When we got to Georgetown this man peed on a statue of a lion or was a crazy right!! Crazy!!! I'll never forget it!!
I remember when Dashawn and J got into it in Fred and Gary's room and Dashawn was slamming J..and noone expected Dashawn to do that!!! That was sooooo funny!!! Gotta remember that!! lol
When I made my first trip to Houston, I had to hit up Jeremy...we made the trip to Jeremy's crib in Sugarland...But Jeremy def almost got us killed dealing with some clown ass dude in Mo City(Missouri City a suburb of Houston) That shit was crazy!!! I can laugh at it now...but wasn't that much of a joke...but when i look back...we didn't take it that seriously then
I have so many other memories with Jeremy...some that I won't share on But i think we all have a memory with Jeremy... If you do.. take a moment and think about that time.
I feel like Jeremy lived his life to the fullest and did alot in the 22 years he was on earth...he lived like there was tomorrow...almost like he knew he didn't have long to live.
Today, January 8th, Jeremy was laid to rest in Houston, Texas. Leaving behind a family who lived him dearly and friends who will miss him forever.
This is an example of why we need to cherish life, appreciate every moment, every day, every victory and defeat. We never will get those back. Start to life like you don't have much time left because you don't know how much time you have left.
Below is a link to an online guest book for Jeremy..if you know him or if you don't please leave some words for his family:

Jeremy, you were a brother of mine from another mother. I know your up above now watching us all on high. Look out for me bro. I'm take over the world. Guess the world is yours like Nas would us. Much Blessings

One of the songs J put me of his favorites and now one of mine...
Another song J put me on that became a favorite of mine.....
Rest in Peace J...we got you!!
Man... this post touched me bruh. I never met J, but I'm able to feel him through your words. I connect with yall, understanding how we bond with fellow freshman in our first year at Howard. And I connect with yall through our love of Nas. I'm sorry to hear about this loss. I was in Mo City at the time of his death. It's really a small world, especially in the world of Howard. Just another reminder to show love and let those who you care about know that you do. And I take this time to let you know I appreciate you bruh. Let us pour a little out for J.
My family and I really appreciate this. I'm Jeremy's older brother, Jason. He told me about a few of his Howard stories. He had some good times.
There are no words to express how we will miss him but he was one of a kind and truly loved. He's with God now.
Jeremy was my beloved son who I will miss more than words can say. Your kinds words help to heal my soul. I love you Jeremy for eternity.
Love MOM.
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