(The King? Yeah...The King if you ever watched Coming to America then you know what i'm talking about.) All I have to say is that if it weren't for this man, the human race wouldn't be where it is right now...Period

Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested and photographed on Feb 22, 1956 at the age of 27 after a bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. These are the eyes of a determined man.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at a time of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position and even his life for the welfare of others."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Haiti News continues to hurt my heart.

As the news said that bodies cover the street and people make mask because of the smell of dead bodies. Why did this happen? Why did happen in Haiti? The poorest country in the western hemisphere...People say this confirms the 2012 theory of the world ending. I still don't believe that.
But Our collective question of why this happened will never be answered...atleast not in this lifetime...

The good news is that Haiti should receive more than 100 million dollars from all of support and donations given. The thing is how long will this money take to get there? When will these checks be cut? Feel me?

USNS Comfort will leave Baltimore tomorrow but will take a while to reach haiti...
Supplies have finally begin to arrive in Haiti but most of it is still at the airport...They are having issues getting it to the people because most roads are blocked..and they think people will riot when the supplies arrive. I truly hope that people don't riot but it may happen..

Today there was another earthquake..this time in Venezuela..not as serious as the one in Haiti. No deaths have been reported yet but a few serious injuries.
Will a third earthquake happen? I hope not.
But none of that stuff matters as long as we're all good and safe here right?!
(Please hint my sarcasm..)
Happy Friday to all... And have a nice weekend..
Playoff Picks:
Chargers over Jets
Vikings over Cowboys
Saints over Cardinals....Buuuuttttt the Cards are hot right now...This game COULD have another outcometho.
Colts over Ravens....(Buuuuuuut if an upset was to happen this weekend...it would be in this game..the Ravens are hotter than the Cards right now...This will be a fight!)
Last season I was pick in my picks...this leads me to change my mind!
Ravens over the Colts!!!
Jets over Chargers!!!
Heres Something to get you in the weekend mood:
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