Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Dream Girl Part 3

The possible final installment of My Dream Girl....

I'm very sincere and my dream gurl must be the same way....

I make alot of moves so my dream gurl won't be clingy....she'll know when to be around...and she won't be too can't learn or build with a person if theres too much distance.

Intelligent individuals have a plan of action for anything.....playing it by air only works for certain things.....Ms. Marvel will be tactful. Very tactful....

With tact comes the ability thinking in the heat of the moment... Thinking on your toes is a major turn on.

Ms. Marvel is tactful like I stated and can handle herself in any situation..

Hygiene! A woman should never smelled bad...i shouldn't have to get into...cuz thats a given.

My Dream Gurl will know her wealth and value and also Know my value and WON'T TAKE ME FOR GRANTED....

More imporant than me is my children....My dream gurl would be a great my mom. She will never put anything before our children. And do anything for her children.

And last and not least...My Dream Girl will be a woman of God. A true woman of God. Alot of ppl go to church and the word goes in one ear and out the other....or they only go to church so show off their hats, shoes and dresses...Thats so fake.....I don't get down with that. I want a woman who has a thoro relationship with Our Lord...A family that prays together....Stays Together...

I pray that one day....I'll find My Dream Girl....Only time will tell....

1 comment:

UniqueBeauty said...

I love the ending!! I pray you find her Martell.